There were seminar-practicum between the young engineering-teaching staff of technological and professional Education on the theme “Improving the pedagogical and professional skills of young specialists: methods and processes” on the 3-4th of February in Road Transport college by A.Ymanov.
There were seminar-practicum between the young engineering-teaching staff of technological and professional Education on the theme “Improving the pedagogical and professional skills of young specialists: methods and processes” on the 3-4th of February in Road Transport college by A.Ymanov. In the seminar-practicum were presented exhibited products of Uralsk ‘Service’ technological college on the specialties “Hairdressing”, “Food Organization” and “Sewing and Clothing Design”. The aim: formation of theory knowledge among young engineering and pedagogical workers, pedagogical methodological support for improving skills. In this seminar-practicum took part young professionals of Uralsk “Service” technological college Muratova Zh.R., Laryonov D.A., Antonov A.A. According to the program there were grouping the master-classes, the carousel methods, plenary sessions. The participants of seminar took active part and shared their views and exchanged opinions.