Methodological guide

Guidlines for filling the content

In the GUIDELINES for the organization of the educational process using distance learning technology in TVET organizations during the pandemic, the educational process in TVET organizations using distance learning technology (DOT) is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • preparation of teaching materials
  • conducting an online class
  • independent work of students in offline mode
  • monitoring students ‘ progress Preparation of teaching materials involves the development of a distance course in the discipline / module for a certain period of training.

A distance learning course (hereinafter referred to as DC) is a complex of interconnected electronic educational resources and processes that ensure the achievement of educational goals at a distance.DC is a step-by-step instruction developed with a certain degree of detail for mastering educational material in a discipline/module. The content of the DC must correspond to the working curriculum and the program of the discipline / module, taking into account the changes made for the transition to the DOT. The information block consists of a theoretical and practical part.

1.The theoretical part may include:

  • lecture notes;
  • presentations;
  • tutorial;
  • electronic textbook, video tutorial;
  • additional sources of information, etc.

1.1. Lecture notes. A lecture is one of the main forms of organizing the educational process, which is an oral, monologue, systematic, consistent presentation of educational material by the teacher with a demonstration of slides and films.

Structure of the lecture includes elements of:

  • introduction — the introductory part, the wording of the topic of the lecture, the objective of the lecture, the presentation of the lesson plan, including names of main issues to be addressed in the lectures, characteristic of recommended literature);
  • the main part-disclosure of the main issues, presentation of the lecture content in strict accordance with the proposed plan. It includes conceptual and factual material that reveals the topic of the lecture, its analysis and evaluation, various ways of argumentation and proof of the theoretical propositions put forward;
  • the final part-summing up the overall result of the lecture: generalization of the material, formulation of conclusions on the topic of the lecture.

1.2. Presentations. In the design of presentations, there are two blocks of rules that describe:

  • presentation of information; – slide design. Scope and form of information presentation:
  • we recommend a concise, informative way of presenting the material;
  • do not fill one slide with too much information. on average, a person can remember no more than three facts, conclusions, and definitions at a time;
  • one slide of the presentation is calculated on average for 1.5-2 minutes;
  • it is desirable to have blocks on the slide with different types of information (text, graphs, diagrams, tables, figures) that complement each other;
  • headlines should be short and attract the audience’s attention;
  • to illustrate the most important facts, use drawings, diagrams, diagrams;
  • the entire presentation must be designed in the same style, based on a single template
  • in the style design of the presentation, it is not recommended to use more than 3 primary colors and more than 3 font types (on one slide, it is recommended not to use
  • the text color should contrast with the slide background;
  • the background is an element of the background (second) plan. it should highlight, shade, and emphasize the information on the slide, but not obscure it;
  • text information is recommended:
  • conciseness and brevity of the presentation, maximum information content of the text: short theses, dates, names, terms-the main points of the reference summary;
  • use numbered and bulleted lists instead of solid text;
  • font sizes for headings-no less than 32 points and no more than 50, optimal-36 points; for the main text — no less than 18 points and no more than 32, optimal-24 points

1.3. Training manual — a manual, training tools designed to expand, deepen and better assimilate the knowledge provided by the curriculum and set out in textbooks. According to the BSE, textbooks are books for reading, anthologies, reference books, dictionaries, adapted printed texts on foreign languages, collections of tasks and exercises, methodological guides for independent practical training, printed notebooks, etc. When using the main textbook and tutorials, you need to make a mandatory link, indicating the topic, Chapter, paragraph, page.

1.4. an Electronic textbook is an electronic training course in which information on the discipline is presented in the form of text, drawings, video, audio, animation and other graphic means. The developed system of links and search allows you to instantly move from one section or fragment of the textbook to another. You can find out how well the material is mastered immediately by completing interactive tasks. An electronic textbook can have an online or offline version. It can be recorded on a CD or other media, or posted on a website on the Internet. The video is just a snippet of a lesson during which the student receives certain information via digital media, learning to perceive and adequately apply it in practice, video is a method that increases interest in the subject, and gives the opportunity to improve their results.

The main thing is that the teacher only needs to select video fragments that match the semantic content of the lesson and the material studied by students. 1.5. Additional sources of information are different sources: print, electronic, Internet resources, mass media, etc . The practical part may include: 1. tasks 2. exercises (trainings) 3. research papers, etc.

2.1. Tasks. When designing the training tasks should include: — the expected results or goals of the lesson are an important part of the lesson plan because are the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the lesson; — to carry out the selection and construction of system of tasks and exercises for developing students ‘ basic concepts of the discipline/ module; -objectives must be clear and understandable for each student; -should develop the lesson so many tasks to occupy all students (differentiated) -you should realize that individual abilities (capabilities) enable students to achieve a certain level according to the taxonomy of B. bloom.

2.2. Forms of independent work of students in the framework of distance learning

Written work ( reports, essays, essay):

  • types of reports: oral report — read the results of the work done and is an effective means of explaining its results; a written summary report — summarizes the most important information obtained in the course of the study; detailed — includes not only text structure with headings, but also charts, tables, figures, photographs, appendices, footnotes, references, hyperlinks.
  • types of abstracts: abstract-summary containing factual information in a generalized form, illustrative material, various information about research methods, research results and opportunities for their application; – abstract-summary containing only the main provisions of the topic; – summary-a review based on several sources, which compares different points of view on this issue; – abstract-a report containing an objective assessment of the problem;
  • classification of essays: by content: philosophical, literary-critical, historical, artistic, artistic-journalistic, etc.; — by literary form: reviews, lyrical miniatures, notes, pages from a diary, letters, etc.; – there are also descriptive, narrative, reflexive, critical, analytical, etc. essays. Requirements for the preparation of test tasks the main forms of test pedagogical tasks for Avanesov (Avanesov Vadim Sergeevich, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor) are tasks: with the choice of one or more correct answers; open form; for compliance; to establish the correct sequence. General requirements for designing test tasks:

Correct wording of the task. It should be formulated clearly, clearly, concretely, without ambiguity in the response. Short wording of test tasks – 5-10 words (for Avanesov-3-5 words; for Chelyshkova – 7-8 (in rare cases – 10-12)). Brevity and conciseness of the task wording. The test task must be formulated in an affirmative form. It is not allowed to define a concept by listing elements that are not included in it. No question words in the task. It is not customary to start with the words what, where, when, why, etc. the Optimal number of possible answers is 4-8 (according to Avanesov-6-8). All choice elements (answer options) are true statements. You can’t use answer options such as: No correct answers All answers are correct. Literature: 1. Zakharova E. V. Ways to optimize independent work of students in higher education / E. V. Vakharova / / Izv. RSPU named after A. I. Herzen. Post-graduate notebooks.

№3 pp. 281-284. 2. Independent work of students: types, forms, evaluation criteria. Textbook under the General editorship of T. I. Grechukhina, A.V. Merenkov. Yekaterinburg: Ural publishing House.UN-TA, 2016. – 80 p. 3. Gatovskaya, D. A. video Tutorial-a new method of training / D. A. Gatovskaya. – Text: direct // Pedagogy: traditions and innovations: materials of the VI international scientific conference (Chelyabinsk, February 2015). – Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomolets, 2015. – Pp. 126-127. – URL:Internet resources:

  • 1. https: / / moluch. ru/conf/ped/archive/147/7124/
  • 2.
  • 3.